Nymphoplasty (In Office Labiaplasty reduction)
Cosmetic surgery of the labia minora is focused on reshaping these delicate structures carefully and precisely. Reshaping of the labia minora is commonly referred to as reduction labiaplasty, labia minoraplasty or simply labiaplasty. These terms are not sufficiently descriptive to establish an accurate cosmetic assessment of finer details of the contours that are involved in defining the features and endpoints of a well-planned aesthetic procedure.
What makes the different? We perform the procedure while taking into consideration all surrounding structures, including clitoral hood and labia majora, to maximize cosmetic result. Most plastic surgeons only perform a linear removal of extra skin without addressing the extra tissue surrounding the clitoris, which often results in unsightly clitoral prominence. Dr. Gaviria can address all anatomical considerations with ease. He even modify his mentors Surgery and Got His own HorseShoe Technique… What the Video Clicking HERE!
Labia minoraplasty is divided into three categories based on the primary reason for which reshaping is requested.
Some procedures are limited to one side only. Others may involve surrounding anatomical structures of the vulva such as the clitoral hood, the fourchette (the zone where the labia meet posteriorly), the labia majora or the perineum (the deeper muscular tissues between the vagina and the anus.
- COSMETIC REDUCTION LABIAPLASTY: Reshapes the labia minora to a shape and contour desired by the patient. Some of the frequent reasons why women request this type of surgery are to make the labia minora more symmetric when there is large visible difference between the two sides, to reduce undesired bulging of labial tissue when wearing certain types of swimsuits, lingerie or other tight fashions, to display less hyperpigmented skin (labial skin that is much darker than the vulva which surrounds it), or to achieve less protrusion (hanging) of the labia when nude.Most women who seek these procedures prefer to keep the entire bikini zone including the vulva smooth and free of body hair & often request laser hair removal of the bikini zone to reduce the need for frequent and painful brazilian waxing or shaving and razor burn. These treatments are available at the Spa.
- THERAPEUTIC REDUCTION LABIAPLASTY: Focuses on the resection of elastic, loose or pendulous labia minora tissue which has become a source of chronic discomfort as these tissues experience traction or pulling pain during normal activities, sports or sexual relations. Currently, medical healthcare insurance plans do not view the symptoms which drive women to seek reconstructive labiaplasty or therapeutic reduction labiaplasty as indications for surgical treatments and they regard all such procedures as purely cosmetic in nature and currently, the surgeries must be financed by those who request them.
- RECONSTRUCTIVE LABIAPLASTY: Targets the restoration or repair of labia minora tissues and is usually performed to relieve symptoms arising as a result of damaged tissue. Typically, these procedures involve minimal resection of tissue.
Procedure Time:
1-2 Hours
Recovery Time
24 -72 H
Down Time
3 – 6 Weeks
Final Results
2 – 3 Months
Session Recommended:
1 Session. Clitoral Hood Maybe add to this or separately
- The labia minora are composed of connective tissue covered with skin on their lateral (outer) surface.
- They extend from the clitoris anteriorly to the fourchette posteriorly.
- The anterior (front) portion of the labium minus splits into an outer portion which forms the clitoral hood (clitoral prepuce) and an inner portion which fuses with the undersurface of the clitoral head to form the frenulum.
- The labia minora display their greatest span halfway between the clitoris and the fourchette.
- When measured from the base to the edge, most labia measure 4 to 5 centimeters in this dimension.
- The width of the labia minora is typically around 5 millimeters.
- The labia minora contain many sebaceous glands.
- They do not contain sweat glands or hair follicles.
- Mucus present on the labia minora is produced from glands within the vestibule Microscopically, the lateral (outer surface) of the labium minus displays inner and outer layers of squamous epithelium (normal skin cells) sandwiching a central layer of connective tissue.
- The medial (vaginal or inner surface) of the labia minora is partially covered with skin, along the edge, and with a thinner layer of pale skin near the base.
- The borderline between these two types of skin is known as Hart’s line.
- The skin of the vaginal opening inside of Hart’s line is called the vestibule.
Dr. Gaviria Can Help your case in Caracas, Venezuela, in Barcelona, Spain.
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